NinkiCZ's Blog
Published on June 12, 2010 By OMG_NinkiCZ In Demigod Strategies

Finally it's here. Sorry it took me so long to post it.

This is pretty much THE UB build and the only one you'll ever need because it's the best one. While UB is the most overpowered Demigod, people mistakenly overestimate how overpowered he is and do whatever they want. UB is only overpowered if you know how to use him - if you don't then you don't pose much of a threat. The funny thing is, even though UB is overpowered, not many people (even the experts in the game) can actually use him well. I'm not the best with him myself because he's not really my type of DG, but if you want a good example, check out Orcun's replays.

Note: In all the guides I post, I'll be using the word "Armour" to refer to HP unless specified otherwise.

Favour item: Blood of the Fallen

Some people like to pick Blade of the Serpent instead, for the mana and the extra weapon damage. The extra mana will mean you won't have to purchase a mana helm, so you can use that extra slot for another hp item. It's fine if you know you're going to win anyway, because if a BotS UB gets early kills, it makes it much harder for everyone else to catch up.

However, that's the caveat. You need early kills with a BotS UB, which you won't always get. If you don't get any kills at all you're in big trouble. With BotF, your build is still viable even if you do or don't get any early kills. If it's a UB vs UB match and both of you are equally skilled, BotF is a better choice.

Skill Order:

Level 1 - Spit I

Level 2 - Ooze I

Level 3 - Save

Level 4 - Spit II & Ooze II

Level 5 - Foul Grasp I

Level 6 - Save

Level 7 - Spit III & Ooze III

Level 8 - Inner Beast I

Level 9 - Save

Level 10 - Spit IV & Ooze IV

Level 11 - Inner Beast II

Level 12 - Inner Beast III

Level 13 - Post Mortem

Now you have a choice.

a. To push creeps (My personal choice)

Level 14 - Plague I

Level 15 - Acclimation

Level 16 - Putrid Flow

Level 17 - Plague II

Level 18 - Enhanced Attributes I

Level 19 - Enhanced Attributes II

Level 20 - Enhanced Attributes III

b. To beef you up

Level 14 - Save

Level 15 - Acclimation & Putrid Flow

Level 16 - Enhanced Attributes I

Level 17 - Enhanced Attributes II

Level 18 - Enhanced Attributes III

Level 19 - Enhanced Attributes IV

Level 20 - Enhanced Attributes V


First, I know some people like to get Diseased Claws so their opponents have a harder time running away, but the thing is you're going to be faster than them anyway with Inner Beast that it doesn't matter. Inner Beast also helps for getting to places faster and running away. The other argument is that Dieased Claws helps you run away - but it only helps if the other opponent does not have a slow, speed aura, stun or a jump - which means it doesn't help you at all. Another argument is that Diseased Claws helps your teammates catch up to your opponents, but that's only really useful if your teammate doesn't have a slow, speed aura, stun or a jump to catch up to your opponent by themselves - which eliminates all the DGs.

Now Orcun himself doesn't get plague, I think because he doesn't want to lag up the game. However, plague is one of my favourite skills because if the game is tight and neither team can quite get to the portals, plague itself can win you the game. If both teams have giants, the UB with plague will be at a much bigger advantage since their creeps will have their health reduced by 300-450hp, making your creeps stronger. It can also make up for some distance if your team is behind in the game, because it kind of acts as an early armoury upgrade. Yes it lags the game, but you can at least take the moment to absorb plague's beauty. Plague also helps if your opponent fights long enough so that their sigil runs out while they're running away - their hp might drop drastically enough that plague will kill them.

If your team is dominating, then there's no point getting plague. Beef yourself up and keep pwning. If you have teammates with heavy AoE damage (Occulus, TB, & Rook), you also wouldn't need plague because they'll do your job.

Item Build:

Starting Items:
- Banded Armor
- Scalemail
Note: Scaled helm is not useful because it gives you 1-2 extra spit, and early spits don't do any significant damage, priests can heal the the damage. You'll be getting Spit II at level 4 - and by then you should have money for a Plenor Battlecrown, which is enough for spits and grasps.

Saved up at least 1750 gold & at level 5:
- Plenor Battlecrown
- Teleport Scroll

Whenever you have the money (in this order):
- Unbreakable Boots (1500)
- Nimoth Chest Armour (1500)
@ this point, it's time to carry sigils - I would not recommend getting sigils any earlier because it won't be worth it, but if you feel like you need a security blanket, buy a potion instead.

Next set of items (order based on the circumstance):
- Orb of Defiance (3750)
- Narmoth's Ring (4000)
Sell your Scalemail first, and then your Banded Armor
Note: Do not get Orb of Defiance if one of your teammates has it - Orb of Defiance takes up one slot, leaving you with 2 slots: one for teleport scrolls and the other for sigils. This means only 1 person will be locking flags, which is not a good situation to put yourself in.

Endgame (pick one):
- Journeyman Treads (6750)
- Gorffling Warplate (5200)/Godplate (10000)
Sell your Nimoth for either of these items.
Note: If it's time to take portals, sell your Orb of Defiance to get your Journeymans quicker, and you'll also have a slot for flag locks - but this pretty much only applies to Cataract. You need to realize that while you have money for these boots doesn't mean your teammates do. Most likely they are buying the citadel upgrades (as they should) to keep you strong. Getting these boots instead of armour means you can run out of fights quicker rather than tanking, but doesn't mean your teammates can run away with you and you might just be leaving them to die. If your teammates are often getting ganked (Rooks are often the most popular targets for ganks), then I'd suggest getting armour instead of Journeyman so you can tank better. Most of the time though, if you have the money for Journeymans it probably means you're winning anyway. In very close games where there are lots of group ganks, armour is a better choice.

If you're really dominating, the best artifact for UB is Bulwark of the Ages (16000).

Common faulty item choices:

Boots of speed - Some people get boots of speed, but boots of speed will only help you run away from opponents without any slows. If you are facing an Oak or an Erebus (which you probably will be as a UB), boots of speed becomes meaningless, because bite and pent will both slow you down enough so that they can catch up to you or run away from you. Also, Inner Beast will do the job with the speed buff - you need the armour.

Attack Speed Items (ex. Mageslayer) - You will be doing enough damage. Mageslayer and Cloak of Flames gives you a pretty attack speed buff, but you will be sacrificing your hp. This means if you're stunned for 2-3 seconds (which you will be with Mass Charm for example), then you'll probably die because of the low hp and you won't be doing much damange anyway because you're not able to autoattack. The same logic applies to Lifesteal items. Get armour so you can actually stay in battle longer.

Crits (ex. Slayer Wraps, Ashkandor) - Do the math. At level 10 you'll probably be doing around 200 damage to your opponent (since your opponent will also have some armour). Slayer Wraps gives you a 10% chance of doubling, so which means with 10 AA's you will get 1 2x crit. 200/10=20, so essentially, you're spending 3300 for an item that gives you +20 Weapon Damage and +10hp/s. Save up, get armour. I know the yellow number looks pretty, but when you do the math it's not worth it.


DO NOT spit excessively at the start. Be more conservative until you get your plenor. Always try to save one spit incase you see an opening for a kill. The BotF trick is done quite often, so if you see a Demigod with lower hp than you expect at the start, they're probably saving BotF or have picked another favour item. Try to pay attention and guess what they chose - it will help greatly. The only DG that rarely gets BotF is Reg, so that's probably the only DG you won't have to worry about the BotF trick with. I don't recommend doing the BotF trick with a UB, because the extra +8hp/s is crucial for you to be able to use ooze without worrying about health.

DO NOT spit towers until you have Spit III. Spit II is passable although I wouldn't do it myself, but at Spit III, you can tear down a tower quite quickly. Save your mana for ganks.

Remember how much damage each level of Spit does, so you know exactly how low you need to bring your opponent's hp down before you can leave. Don't worry if you think they'll have a sigil or whatever, you'll at least make them waste one.

KNOW when to commit. UBs don't have an escape route like the other DGs, so if you are planning to attack, then go for it, don't look back, ping your teammates to tp in and help. If you are running away while being ganked by all 3, it probably means you'll die unless your teammates come in to save you - but if your teammates tped in and you're running away, your teammates will probably die and they also wasted their ports. That's why a bad UB player is quite dangerous. Don't run away unless you KNOW you'll make it.

KNOW when to orb. Don't orb when you're not being focused on, just because your hp is going down doesn't mean they're focusing on you, it just means you're getting hurt with the AoEs. If you orb at the wrong time, you won't be able to help your teammates out, and at the same time, after your teammate dies, you're just there as a snack for your opponents.

Against another UB: People don't typically enjoy UB vs UB fights. I hate mirror matches myself. But the trick to winning a UB vs UB fight is to carry a potion (not the juicy one that take forever to cast). That extra potion will give you that extra mmph to beat the other UB. If the other UB also carries a potion then carry a potion and an elixir, or carry 2 potions. Obviously don't spam these consumables or else you'll just be wasting gold. But having one or two can give you that big advantage over the other UB.

Against a Rook: I do not recommend you to fight in the tower farm obviously. You don't have any AoE that can attack towers, so have your other teammates occupy him for a bit. Lane on the other side of a Rook and push that lane HARD. Get rid of that tower, and then harass the portal towers - force the Rook to TP in on you and leave his tower farm. When a Rook TPs in, it's pretty easy for you to run away because he's so slow. Another trick is to follow your creep waves and continuously spit at the Rook at level 7-10. Spit III and Spit IV at that time is pretty strong and after a few spits you will force the Rook to leave. However, if you're a good Rook, you can guess when the UB will spit and actually stun spits - I stun about 50% against average UB players because they make it quite obvious that they're spitting. Try to delay your spit for a bit so he'll waste his boulder roll, and then spit after. But I will not lie, as a Rook player myself who've faced my share of UBs, I can tell you that UBs have the most trouble with a Rook, but here is one trick that I've noticed that seems to annoy me to death. If you're going to 1v1 against a Rook. It's to "dance" or so they say so that you continuously spit and walk through Rook's fat legs. It actually takes time for a Rook to turn around because he's so fat that he will never be able to successfully catch you in a boulder roll to stun. Most Rooks get independent weapons that do quite a bit of damage, but by mid-end game you will have enough armour to tank it. Your Ooze and Spit will eventually drop is hp low enough that you'll force him to retreat. The cooldown on the towers is long enough that he'll probably be able to put up 2-3 towers before his health is way too low. 

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jun 13, 2010

I gave up on the Bots beast. Once you face another UB with blood that knows what it is doing, you're always on the run. The reason is you're hp will always drop faster than the botf UB. Before your mana advantage starts doing it's effect you are almost dead or have to fight with a sigil. And the blood beast gets then even more hp out of his sigil.

I played both builds a lot. But blood wins, sigil and hp flag.

on Jun 13, 2010

Muhahahahaha we have converted zen to the blood side

on Jun 13, 2010

I killyu:P

on Jun 14, 2010

TBH for 2v2s and 3v3s with another beast player on the enemy team I generally feel the pressure to go with Blood nowadays as well    That is, unless they also have a rook on the enemy team and we have a couple of heavy dgs that could soak up the damage instead of me (e.g. erebus).

However, if it's a 3v3 and I'm the only beast on the map or if it's a 4v4 my first choice is always BotS.

on Jun 14, 2010

I have yet to see a mention for Bestial Wrath. 

Raaaawwwwwr! FTW

on Jun 14, 2010

My favor item choices are determined by what the other team picks. I typically do go blood over serpents, but that being said, serpents is used a lot.

on Jun 18, 2010

Guides are for people who want guidance. If you don't want guidance then why do you need a guide.

on Jun 18, 2010

I'll tell ya, as TB, its harder for me against a BotS beast.

I agree with Split in the sense that a lot of people say "you can't harass with a monk".

Well, as TB, at lvl 1, (without the HP flag) I get 181 from a monk ever 8 seconds. That's 22 HP/s. 

Against a BotF beast, I just need to deal with a spit here and there as they have to be picky about it. 

Against a BotS beast, I have to hold back out of spit range for large chunks of time, as spit will do 50 HP/s if he spits on me every time the cooldown is up. 

You can just hang back behind the tower for EXP or get mid, but when you can constantly spit (yes, even spit I), you tear down towers QUICK! 

Again, this is just from my PoV playing my TB against beast. BotF beasts are much easier. It takes a bit to push em out, but I can push them out. BotS is MUCH harder.

on Jun 21, 2010

I used to solely play BoTF UB because of its pure dominance from lvl 1-20.  BoTF is the easiest favor and best for UB in most situations.  But the pure ability spamming that BoTS gives you against anyone other then a another UB makes it pretty fun too.  Most games when I play UB I randomly choose between the two unless facing another UB.  If against another UB more hp is always better.  BotS against Rook is actually more effective then you think,  depending on their favor item and support you can either chain spit their towers (which will give you more time before he can completely push your portal) or push them completely off out of the lane.


In a balanced game where you rarely get early kills as UB because the other team isn't idiotic I think BoTS can be more versatile and lets you stay farming a lane and/or push towers indefinitely.  Also what I have noticed is how much you can spam unclean grasp,  say against a lvl 7+  sedna, oak, or erebus where you know you aren't going to get a solo kill.  You can spit grasp and ooze taking their HP down enough to get them to back off and be at a healthy hp % and go from 20% to full mana.  And if they keep attacking use it again not ever having to skip spamming spit to conserve mana.



on Jun 21, 2010

I have been converted over to BotF beast. :/ I am NOT happy.

on Jun 21, 2010

I would never do BotS beast against erebus. Sedna isn't a great enemy for the bots beast either.

on Jun 25, 2010


On a fun note I reached 10k hp at level 18 with no artifacts today.

on Jun 25, 2010

Ya'll 'r newbs, playin ub. Pfft.

on Jun 25, 2010

Hey, I only play beast when

  • The odds are stacked against me (Max is on my team)
  • The other team chose beast
on Jun 25, 2010

Hey, I only play beast when

The odds are stacked against me (Max is on my team)
The other team chose beast


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